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Book Nook

We Lose Ourselves in Books,
We Find Ourselves There, Too.

Created To Be His Help Meet.jpg
To Train Up A Child.jpg
A Little Book of Manners.jpg
A Little Hero In The Making.jpeg
A Little Book of Manners for Boys.jpeg
Christian Social Graces_edited.jpg
More House In My Day.jpg
The New Dare to Discipline.jpeg
Emilie's Creative Home Organizer.jpg
15-Minute Home and Family Organizer.jpg
Once a month cooking.jpg
5 Love Languages.jpg
Twice Adopted by Michael Reagan.jpg
Survival for Busy Women.jpg
Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith.
Once a month, cooking, family favorites.jpg

Gathering Times:

Location and Contact

Quick Links


Sunday, 11 AM

Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Thursday, 7:30 PM

Church Office

Office open Mon-Fri from 9 - 5


Mon-Fri from 8 - 3

Church Address

1010 Burke Dr, Junction City, KS  66441

Church Office


Apostolic Academy

2512 Rucker Rd, Junction City, KS  66441


Correspondence for Church and School can be mailed to PO Box 307, Junction City, KS  66441.

© 2024 by FaithTabernacle

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